Including Handedness in Group Diversity Research and Practice

Author(s): Michael J.B. Read, Taryn Klarner

Citation: Michael J.B. Read, Taryn Klarner, (2012) "Including Handedness in Group Diversity Research and Practice," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.12, Iss. 2, pp. 27 - 40

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


Investigating ways organizations can utilize employee diversity, this paper introduces the idea that
handedness should be included in group diversity research as well as team composition decisions. The
experience of being left-handed is explored using cultural, neurological, psychological, and physical
perspectives. The issue of handedness within group diversity and team composition is considered with
respect to creativity, minority viewpoints, groupthink, task conflict, and resource scarcity. Given the
formalized prejudices that face left-handers, it is proposed that these individuals will uniquely contribute
to group processes and functioning.