Journal of
Marketing Development and Competitiveness

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Abstracts prior to volume 5(1) have been archived!

Issue 5(1), October 2010 -- Paper Abstracts
Girard  (p. 9-22)
Cooper (p. 23-32)
Kunz-Osborne (p. 33-41)
Coulmas-Law (p.42-46)
Stasio (p. 47-56)
Albert-Valette-Florence (p.57-63)
Zhang-Rauch (p. 64-70)
Alam-Yasin (p. 71-78)
Mattare-Monahan-Shah (p. 79-94)
Nonis-Hudson-Hunt (p. 95-106)


Internet Protocol Television: Is Income Redlining Being Practiced?

Author(s): Johannes H. Snyman

Citation: Johannes H. Snyman, (2017)"Internet Protocol Television: Is Income Redlining Being Practiced?," American Journal of Management, Vol. 17, Iss. 6, pp.81-87

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


This study examines the entry strategy of Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) into the video programming service market with emphasis on income redlining. Specifically, CenturyLink’s entry into the state of Colorado with their Prism TV service is examined. The study found that counties with higher median household income were chosen over counties with lower median household income, even though a local franchising system, which should promote public interest and reduce income redlining, is in place in the state.