Development and Consequences of Cross Functional Team Performance in
the Concurrent Engineering Context: An Integrated Framework
Author(s): Anant Deshpande
Citation: Anant Deshpande, (2013) "Development and Consequences of Cross Functional Team Performance in the Concurrent Engineering Context: An Integrated Framework," Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 14, Iss. 4, pp. 23-36
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Cross functional team performance is critical for the success of any concurrent engineering initiative.
Despite the widespread acknowledgment of the importance of the potential development and
consequences of cross functional team performance in a concurrent engineering context is relatively
unexplored in operations management literature. To this end we examined the interrelationships between
team socialization, communication performance, coordination, cross functional team performance, new
product cycle development time and overall organizational performance. It is proposed that coordination
and communication performance will have positive and curvilinear impact on cross functional team
performance. In addition, cross functional team performance will have positive influence on reduction in
new product development cycle time and new product cycle time is indirectly associated with
organizational performance. Potential implications for managers are discussed and conclusion