A Unique Approach to Improving Economic Conditions in States Experiencing
Financial Hardships
Author(s): Jamye Long, Cooper Johnson, Sam Faught
Citation: Jamye Long, Cooper Johnson, Sam Faught, (2011) "A Unique Approach to Improving Economic Conditions in States Experiencing Financial Hardships," Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 12, Iss. 4, pp. 36 - 43
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Across the nation states are experiencing financial hardships. Through considering the available
resources and properly implementing creative solutions, the states can provide hope and a positive
economic outlook for their citizens. This study explores a unique opportunity available for Mississippi as
an example of one state that through implementing a creative solution can place itself in an improved
financial position. The analysis and results provide an outlook of the implementation scenarios leading to
increased state tax revenue and general economy contributions. Other states can use this model as a
basis for creating unique solutions to their financial hardships.