Marketing Orientations and Higher Education:
Applications and Implications
Author(s): Robert E. Wright
Citation: Robert E. Wright, (2012) "Marketing Orientations and Higher Education:
Applications and Implications," Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 13, Iss. 5, pp. 53-57
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
State supported colleges and universities must increasingly rely on their own sources of funding from
students, in the form of tuition and fees. A key factor in the success of colleges and universities is the
extent to which they can acquire new students in an efficient manner, and the ability to retain students.
Student acquisition and retention is significantly impacted by a college or university’s marketing
orientation. This paper explores the differing marketing orientations colleges and universities might
follow, and the application of such orientations, as well as the implications for the overall marketing
strategy of the college or university.