Multi-Stage Valuation for Start-Up High Tech Projects and Companies
Author(s): Egbert van de Schootbrugge, K. Matthew Wong
Citation: Egbert van de Schootbrugge, K. Matthew Wong, (2013) "Multi-Stage Valuation for Start-Up High Tech Projects and Companies," Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 13, Iss. 2, pp. 45 - 56
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Economic growth is propelled by new technology developments. However, valuating early stage high
tech development projects or companies is a very demanding task. In order to decide whether to fund a
high tech development project or not, whether to sell or buy shares at a certain price, or to set the right
price in an M&A, one needs to value the project or company. Traditional approaches such as using
multiples, DCF analysis and/or combinations of these all have fundamental flaws. In this paper, we
propose a multi-stage valuation approach as a pragmatic alternative to handle the valuation issue.