How Gender Identity Affects Consumer Behavior: Overview and Historical Analysis

Author(s): Lilly Ye, Mousumi Bose, Lou E. Pelton

Citation: Lilly Ye, Mousumi Bose, Lou E. Pelton, (2017) "How Gender Identity Affects Consumer Behavior: Overview and Historical Analysis," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.17, Iss. 4, pp.9-24

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


Gender is a central part of self-concept. The concept of gender has evolved from biological sex (male and female) to gender identity that examines gender from multiple aspects, including biological sex, psychological gender, and sociological gender role. And recent studies further suggested gender identity is a changing concept, and it needs to be studied under different context and with dynamic groups. The current study reviews the historical development of gender identity concept and its impact on consumer behavior, and presents that gender identity has more impact on consumer behavior as it becomes increasingly explicit over the past 50 years. Through the review, the study also points to the future development of gender identity and its potential influence on consumer perceptions, cultures, and social marketing.