Transitioning to Management: Challenges and Opportunities for the Millenial Generation
Author(s): Stephen C. Bushardt, Marilyn Young, Abdullahel Bari
Citation: Stephen C. Bushardt, Marilyn Young, Abdullahel Bari, (2018) "Transitioning to Management: Challenges and Opportunities for the Millenial Generation," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.18, Iss. 1, pp.9-16
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
This study examines twelve factors which are important for the large number of potential managers in the Millennial Generation sector. The new role as manager may be overwhelming for a younger manager. With proper training and other factors, the Millennial Manager may be as an asset to the organization. Important advice for the Millennial generation includes developing self-awareness and understanding differences among team members. Other recommendations are having a mentor and being transparent, fair, a good listener, and a cheerleader. The manager should set high standards, acknowledge mistakes, and focus on goal achievement.