Hispanic-Serving Institution Host Communities and Latinx Community Development

Author(s): René P. Rosenbaum, Wei Li, Stephen Jeanetta

Citation: René P. Rosenbaum, Wei Li, Stephen Jeanetta, (2020) "Hispanic-Serving Institution Host Communities and Latinx Community Development," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.20, Iss. 2, pp. 50-59

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


Despite their considerable impact on Latino students and the communities they serve, Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are largely unrecognized in the academic literature for their role in Latinx higher education, much less for their role in Latinx community development. This study uses quantitative analysis to compare outcomes in selected indicators of Latinx community development between HSI host communities and non-HSI host communities. The results suggest an association between HSIs and the development of their host communities in terms of higher Latinx population shares and higher mean outcomes in selected measures of Latinx educational and economic wellbeing.