A Call to Action: Introducing the Initiative for Eradicating Racism
Author(s): Danielle T. Ligocki, Robert A. Martin, Chaunda L. Scott
Citation: Danielle T. Ligocki, Robert A. Martin, Chaunda L. Scott, (2021) "A Call to Action: Introducing the Initiative for Eradicating Racism," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol. 21, Iss. 2, pp. 174-184
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
In June of 2020, several faculty and staff members in the School of Education and Human Services at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan began developing plans to launch a new project entitled The Initiative for Eradicating Racism. This article begins by defining key terms used throughout the article, followed by underscoring the purpose and need for this type of academic initiative. Next, the frameworks used to guide the development of this initiative are highlighted, along with a brief introduction of the current diversity, inclusion, and social justice efforts in progress in the School of Education and Human Services. Lastly, we share our plans to move from our current initiative status to a self-sustaining center in the near future.