Education Makes the Difference: Analyzing the Emancipation, Gender Roles of Kenyan Women, and their Rise to positions of Power in the Wake of Educational Advantage and Constitutional and Government Devolvement in Kenya

Author(s):  James M. Mbuva

Citation: James M. Mbuva, (2018) "Education Makes the Difference: Analyzing the Emancipation, Gender Roles of Kenyan Women, and their Rise to positions of Power in the Wake of Educational Advantage and Constitutional and Government Devolvement in Kenya," Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol.18, Iss. 3, pp. 102-117

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


This study analyzed education makes the difference in light of the emancipation of the African women,
constitutional development of Kenya, traditional stereotype position of Kenyan women and gender roles, the practicality of the reversal of gender roles, the current trend of gender roles and relationships. The study concluded that emancipation of African Women through education and inclusion of women to political power, economic say, and social change is mandatory, but also pointed that the government and society as a whole, should make sure that the rights of women are executed to the fullest in all areas of life.