Starting Early: The Impact of Experience Based Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions of High School Students

Author(s): Rodney R. D’Souza, John E. Clarkin, Abdullah Al-Bahrani

Citation: Rodney R. D’Souza, John E. Clarkin, Abdullah Al-Bahrani, (2018) "Starting Early: The Impact of Experience Based Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions of High School Students," Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol.18, Iss. 4, pp. 30-42

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


We examine the education-entrepreneurial intentions relationship and the effects of experiential
entrepreneurship education. Relying on the theory of planned behavior and the theory of human
behavior, we develop and test hypotheses to enhance the knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship
education. This study discerns ways in which experiential education in entrepreneurship can positively
affect the attitudes and intentions of students, and to further the base of knowledge in the link between
education programs and intentions. Results suggest that problem based experiential learning does indeed impact how students think about entrepreneurship as a career and their perceived level of control.