Adopting a Beginners Mind to Craft Experiments that Break the Curse of Knowledge
Author(s): Russell Engel
Citation: Russell Engel, (2013) "Adopting a Beginners Mind to Craft Experiments that Break the Curse of Knowledge," Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol. 13, Iss. 3/4, pp. 93 - 100
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
The experiment and lesson developed in this paper aim at dealing with the curse of knowledge, or the
disharmony between what instructors believe they are teaching and what students are learning. This
paper proposes that by adopting a beginner’s mind, instructors will be able to mitigate the disharmony.
To adopt a beginner’s mind, an instructor must first recognize any priors he holds that will be important
for understanding the topic that differ from the priors that students likely hold. The best way to deal with
these mismatched priors is to craft an experiment that develops the priors in a straightforward way.