The Influence of Nationality on Followers Satisfaction with Their Leaders
Author(s): Arran Caza, Barry Z. Posner
Citation: Arran Caza, Barry Z. Posner, (2017) "The Influence of Nationality on Followers Satisfaction with Their Leaders," Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, Vol. 14, Iss. 3, pp. 53-63
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
The long-standing argument is that leaders need to adapt their behaviors to the context, most specifically to meet the particular needs and expectations of followers from various parts of the world. An alternative viewpoint would be to ask whether people from different countries are looking for different or similar behaviors from their leaders. We provide a preliminary investigation of whether people from two cultures expect different leadership behaviors by comparing followers satisfaction with the behaviors of their leaders in the United States and Singapore. Initial differences between the two countries faded in importance as life (age) and work experiences increased.