Situational Leadership and Leader Versatility
Author(s): Andrés R. Negro, Ron Mesia
Citation: Andrés R. Negro, Ron Mesia, (2020) "Situational Leadership and Leader Versatility," Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, Vol. 17, Iss. 3, pp 109-121
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Leadership is one of the most complex concepts related to the human being that connects several factors that the leader has to amalgamate and administer in the management of a complex organization. The purpose of this research is to analyze four leadership models that have a clear relationship in their approach to their objectives, their methods, and their evolution. The paper will focus on how this leadership can be applied in the management of a complex organization successfully, taking the IBM Corporation as a model due to the evolution and the changes experienced in the business world.