The Globalization of America’s Research Universities: Does the Globalization
Mission Pose a Moral Dilemma?
Author(s): Abraham L. Gitlow, Howard S. Gitlow
Citation: Abraham L. Gitlow, Howard S. Gitlow, (2013) "The Globalization of America’s Research Universities: Does the Globalization Mission Pose a Moral Dilemma?," Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, Vol. 10, Iss. 4, pp. 11 - 18
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
A dilemma resides in the interaction between intellectually free and independent universities and colleges
that exist in areas with repressive governments/regimes. Given a repressive indigenous cultural,
religious, and political climate, can and/or will those governments keep their hands off the curriculum,
the conduct of instruction and research, the contents of libraries, as well as the composition of faculty
and student bodies? The academic mission of America’s research universities is tripartite in nature,
embracing: (1) the transmission of existing knowledge, i.e. teaching; (2) extending the boundaries of
knowledge, i.e. research; and (3) the development of a capacity for critical thinking in student minds, and
the exercise of that capacity by the faculty.