Short-Term Study Abroad: An Exploratory View of Business
Student Outcomes
Author(s): Susan Carley, Randy Stuart, M.P. Dailey
Citation: Susan Carley, Randy Stuart, M.P. Dailey, (2011) "Short-Term Study Abroad: An Exploratory View of Business Student Outcomes," Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 12, Iss. 2, pp.44 - 53
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Acknowledging the importance of fostering global perspectives in students, business educators stress the
role that international study plays in increasing interpersonal skills, and broadening knowledge of global
business practices. Traditionally offered as semester- or year-long programs, today’s programs are more
often short-term in nature, raising questions about student outcomes of abbreviated tours. This
longitudinal study of students who participated over a nine-year period examines the benefits and
limitations of short-term tours. Results suggest that schools of business give careful consideration to
desired student outcomes, learning objectives and how these might best be accomplished if delivered in a
compressed time frame.