Towards Building a Human-Capital Based Governance Framework
Author(s): Kaouthar Lajili
Citation: Kaouthar Lajili, (2012) "Towards Building a Human-Capital Based Governance Framework," Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, pp.13 - 30
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Although there is a consensus among scholars and managers about the importance of human-based assets, there is a lack of understanding of how the evolving role of human capital, will affect governance, control and wealth (or rents) appropriation in the future. This paper offers a conceptual framework for governance design based on human capital value and built upon various theory constructs that have addressed some relevant facets of the human capital dilemma while ignoring others. The paper argues that various forms of employment contractual relationships will emerge to further accommodate this critical asset and proposes some suggestions for future research.