The Evolution and Conceptualization of Market Orientation:
What Managers Ought to Know
Author(s): Reginald Sheppard
Citation: Reginald Sheppard, (2011) "The Evolution and Conceptualization of Market Orientation: What Managers Ought to Know" Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 12, Iss. 6, pp. 30 - 45
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Market orientation, viewed mostly as an implementation of the marketing concept, is probably one of the
most studied areas of marketing. Some argue that it is a philosophy, or way of being, while others argue
that it is a set of business practices to be implemented. Others argue that it is a combination of these two,
aligned with the strategic mandate of the firm. To fully understand market orientation and its importance,
one must be able to trace its development and subsequent research contributions. This paper provides
such an over-view.