Journal of
Marketing Development and Competitiveness

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Abstracts prior to volume 5(1) have been archived!

Issue 5(1), October 2010 -- Paper Abstracts
Girard  (p. 9-22)
Cooper (p. 23-32)
Kunz-Osborne (p. 33-41)
Coulmas-Law (p.42-46)
Stasio (p. 47-56)
Albert-Valette-Florence (p.57-63)
Zhang-Rauch (p. 64-70)
Alam-Yasin (p. 71-78)
Mattare-Monahan-Shah (p. 79-94)
Nonis-Hudson-Hunt (p. 95-106)


The Integrated Propulsion Strategy Theory: A Resources, Capability and
Industrial Organization

Author(s): Cedric Wilson

Citation: Cedric Wilson, (2012) "The Integrated Propulsion Strategy Theory: A Resources, Capability and
Industrial Organization," Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 13, Iss. 5, pp. 159 - 171

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


Strategic management is dominated by three views, the Industrial Organization Theory, the Resource
Based View and the Dynamic Capabilities Approach. While the Resource Based View and the Dynamic
Capability Approach are often portrayed as sister theories, the Industrial Organization Theory is
sometimes cited as a competing theory with respect to the others. Nevertheless, all three views are
complimentary. This paper argues that positioning, picking and propulsion are all essential to a robust
strategy and presents the Integrated Propulsion Strategy Theory that rigorously integrates these three
pillars of strategy theory. The framework also introduces a coefficient to measure dynamic capabilities.