Strategies Analysis of MNCs’ Technology Transfer Based
on the Asymmetric Evolutionary Game
Author(s): Peihua Zhao
Citation: Peihua Zhao, (2013) "Strategies Analysis of MNCs’ Technology Transfer Based on the Asymmetric Evolutionary Game," Journal of Management Policy and Practice, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, pp. 98 - 107
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Whether the MNCs transfer their technologies to Chinese enterprises has become a significant issue for
China to implement catch-up strategies .This paper introduces the evolutionary game theory to the field of
technology transfer, sets up the evolutionary game model according to the strategies of technology transfer
in two types of MNCs that set up factories in China early or late, and analyzes the evolutionary stable
strategy (ESS) of the two types of MNCs and the key factors that affect the ESS. It provides the useful
revelation for China obtaining the advanced technologies from western MNCs.