Human Capital, Overlapping Tenure, and Behaviors: A Study of Unit Performance
Author(s): Christopher M. Harris, Gary C. McMahan
Citation: Christopher M. Harris, Gary C. McMahani, (2017) "Human Capital, Overlapping Tenure, and Behaviors: A Study of Unit Performance," Journal of Organizational Psychology, Vol. 17, Iss. 1, pp. 34-50
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
This study contributes to human capital research by examining human capital and the stability of human capital along with processes through which they influence performance. Specifically, this study theoretically develops and empirically tests relationships among human capital, overlapping tenure, behaviors, and performance with a unique sample of NCAA football teams. This sample allows for the examination of the relationships that human capital and overlapping tenure have with different measures of processes and performance. Human capital and overlapping tenure at the unit level are found to be related to different measures of unit processes and unit performance. Additionally, a variety of processes at both the unit level are related to greater performance at the unit and team levels. Finally, evidence of processes mediating the relationships between human capital and performance and between overlapping tenure and performance is found.