The Role of Individual and Familial Traditional Genealogical
Status on Entrepreneurial Success
Author(s): Michael E. Valdez
Citation: Michael E. Valdez, (2011) "The Role of Individual and Familial Traditional Genealogical Status on Entrepreneurial Success" Vol. 11, Iss. 1, pp. 9 - 23
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
This study empirically examines the relationship between entrepreneurial success and individual entrepreneurs’ traditional genealogical-status as well as the status of immediate family members. Results indicated that an individual entrepreneurs’ traditional genealogical-status is negatively related to success. Furthermore, a strong positive relationship was evidenced by the status of entrepreneurs’ families. In other words, the higher the status of an individual, the less entrepreneurial success achieved. However, if the entrepreneurs’ family members were of a higher status, the greater the entrepreneurial success of the entrepreneur. These findings are specifically relevant to developing countries, indigenous populations, and societies with strong traditional obligations.