Person-Environment Fit in Non Standard Work: Insights from Workers with
Limited Expectations of Continued Employment
Author(s): Kang Yang Trevor Yu
Citation: Kang Yang Trevor Yu, (2012) "Person-Environment Fit in Non Standard Work: Insights from Workers with Limited Expectations of Continued Employment," Journal of Organizational Psychology, Vol. 12, Iss. 3/4, pp. 115 - 132
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
This study investigates nonstandard work through the lens of person-environment (PE) fit theory. Based
on a sample of employees with limited expectations of continued employment in Singapore, PE fit is
observed to be an important component of these individuals’ work experiences. Findings suggest that
demands-abilities fit was strongly associated with the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of
nonstandard workers. Furthermore, needs-supplies fit was also associated with commitment but not
satisfaction. In contrast, value congruence was only weakly associated with commitment and not at all
related to satisfaction. Implications of applying PE fit to the study of nonstandard work are discussed.