A Framework for eHealth Interoperability Management
Author(s): Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Angelina Kouroubali
Citation: Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Angelina Kouroubali, (2019) "A Framework for eHealth Interoperability Management," Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, Vol. 14, Iss. 5, pp. 51-61
Article Type: Research paper
Publisher: North American Business Press
Reliable and secure access to and sharing of medical data can help patients practice self-care, promote patient engagement and improve their communication with healthcare professionals. This requires overcoming several interoperability, usability, ethics, security, and regulatory issues. The existence of a common interoperability framework can accelerate digital transformation in support of disease specific solutions. This paper presents a useful and relevant interoperability management framework with the potential to improve the quality of life and better control costs for the development and provision of electronic health services to individuals, within a coordinated care environment, under a local, regional, national, or cross-border setting.